Online giving is easy and can be done through the Calvary Fellowship Gig Harbor church app or right here through the website. As a member or regular attender, this is your most flexible giving option. You can give a one-time gift, or schedule a recurring gift through your bank account, or debit/credit card. If you need help, use the form below to contact our office.
Another way to give is to set up an automatic bank debit or bill-pay account. You can easily set up monthly, bi-monthly, or weekly gifts to Calvary Fellowship Gig Harbor.
You can give on Sundays during the offering time after the message. Just simply drop it in the offering basket as it goes by, or use the offering drop box on the Information Table.
If you prefer to mail your gifts, you can send a check to Calvary Fellowship Gig Harbor at
P.0. Box 2014
Gig Harbor, WA 98335