Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19

Basque Connection
Each summer we host students from the Basque Country during the month of July. This is a great opportunity to engage in cross-culture relationships, learn about an amazing culture, teach some English, share our faith, watch God open doors, and so much more! During this month we do many events such as: Water Day, Seattle Day, Camp, BBQs, Movie Night, etc.
The Basque Connection is not just limited to the USA. We also take trips to the Basque Country multiple times a year and are planning future events, camps, and trips over there as God guides and expands the ministry. For more information on how you can get connected by hosting, serving, traveling, sharing resources for events, or donating click below.
The Basque Connection is not just limited to the USA. We also take trips to the Basque Country multiple times a year and are planning future events, camps, and trips over there as God guides and expands the ministry. For more information on how you can get connected by hosting, serving, traveling, sharing resources for events, or donating click below.